Today I would like to speak to you about distraction.
Distraction has tremendous capacity to call you away from the path, again and again.
And sometimes, your distractions are obvious and other times less so.
For example, perhaps you are obsessing over an incident which in all timelines is a small incident, for example being passed over for a promotion or noticing some gossip circulating about yourself.
In relevant scales, next to the rise and fall of civilisation, the mass ignorance still pervading the planet, or a life lost to distraction, a promotion or gossip is a drop of rain in the ocean.
Yet you may be willing to exchange life, yes your life, many days, weeks , months and more often than not many years, giving your time and energy to these trifling occurrences.
In the meantime, your life is lost.
The mind easily escalates each happening to this place which demands your energies, but it/you do that by ignoring the play of your unconscious and externalising the blame onto the happening itself.
For example, the gossip prevents me from having a successful career as it places me in bad light. Although this may be plausible in our current cultural milieu, it is helpful to note, when you feel completely helpless in a situation, the solution more than likely lies within.
In these moments, it is very possible your own unconscious prevents you from actualisation the creative energies of your life. Possibly, you may suffer from deep shame around sexuality and therefore every time sexual energy rises to support your creative or business/career life , you push the sexual energy away. You shame it, essentially, and therefore sabotage your career.
The gossip is simply a reflection of where you speak badly or shame yourself (and your energies) and has direct causality on the falling flowers, that you long for, in your dance with life.
Naturally this kind of thinking provokes much emotion which takes a lot of energy to process and feel and alchemise. And so, you can be distracted for years by the "unfairness" of life.
This is just one example, a very small example, of how you get distracted every day from the living of your precious life.
You may notice, that the unconscious self moves to this distracting, circling habitual thinking and then becomes lost in the emotions that follow.
But if you begin to trust Existence, and realise the profound intelligence in play here, you may pause and choose to wander how you yourself speak in such ugly ways of your sexuality and thereby block this energy and so feel exhausted, day by day, and never move from the creative spirit that you are.
And so, you deny yourself the deep delight of enjoying the creations that come through you into form from spirit, inviting you into the ever expanding nature of your being.
Naturally, this takes a deep awareness and willingness to stand in the stream of intelligence and look at what Awareness attempts to reveal to you.
Existence is very patient and will give you the same message in different ways for as long as it takes for you to see it.
I invite you to explore this practice ;
Look into some challenge or frustration that you have today.
Try to sense it's texture or its style.
For example ..indecision , procrastination , not feeling supported, people being against you in some way. You may have a specific incident , but feel its pattern.
Then ask ~ Has this happened before?
And look down the timeline of your life and see if there is a repeating quality here.
And if it is so, then perhaps turn inwards, into your inner landscapes and look into what this pattern may be about.
Let's take procrastination ~ Did you procrastinate today? How about last week? How about back at university or college or school? Ahh ok , it has been around for your life time.
So, you see a pattern and now what?
Often times a pattern actually is an aspect of your self that is in protection. So if you can discover what you are trying to protect that would be the marvelous key to unlocking this protection and letting go the pattern by re-embracing an aspect of yourself that may be afraid or protecting itself.
So , the pattern of procrastination, can often be that you did not get the desired outcome of your action.
Think of this .. Say now, as a child, you wish to learn the guitar, and you take lessons and begin to learn but you get mostly negative feedback or no feedback.
And so you give it up.
What you find in that moment was that your interest was more in attention or positive attention than in the guitar.
But what happens, if every time you wish to learn something or begin something, it is not possible? Your family do not want to or are unable to pay for the lessons or the guitar. In your family structure, your desires are not supported or allocated funds.
Then it becomes painful to want something, if your family do not help you to find the way to explore your interest or desire.
So what do you?
You delay your desires and interests, so you can avoid the pain of disappointment, when you wish for something and you cannot have it.
And it becomes a pattern of protection.
And, to explore it deeper, lets examine how it plays in our sexual lives.
Because in different ways, even in families, where Mom and Dad are quite supportive, there will be still be many times, when you hear a no, simply because they are tired or busy.
And so, as you grow up and sexual desire arises , you may meet the patterns of no to your desire, that came from busy parents or cultural religious training that give you the message that you should say no to your desires.
And these patterns, that imprint early on over a number of years, can follow you into your life and affect you for decades. And it is highly likely that you do not realise it and it remains in your unconscious.
You do realise that your sexual desire do not rise because every time you wanted to go out and play as a child or in the middle of the play you got stopped somehow .. School bell … busy parent not much resource at home etc.
And then you go into your adult life, with these patterns, still seeking permission, validation encouragement, agreement from the people that you relate with who likely have similar patterns to you or a bunch of their own. Well, that is not going to be so helpful either, except if you are fortunate enough to have accessed some aspects of your consciousness, that you can begin to look at the mirror in front of you, and realise a deeper and more true response to your desires.
At some point, you will need to go into your own inner worlds and resolve these things, heal them and give yourself permission and resource to take the guitar lessons, invite the sexual energy that will support your creative / career evolution and honour and allow your sexual desires with yourself or another.
Awareness is key and being willing to look frankly and openly at the reflection of your life, as a guide, will take you a long way.
©Dakini Shima